Thank you for visiting my website! Your interest and support mean a lot to me. I'm always excited to connect with fellow space enthusiasts and share my passion for astrophotography. If you have any questions or feedback, please don't hesitate to reach out to me.

 "Bringing the beauty of the cosmos to life" has been the driving force behind my journey as an astrophotographer.

About Me

Hi there, my name is Matthew Shutter, and I am an astrophotographer. My journey into the world of astrophotography began when I was just a young teenager, gazing up at the stars with wonder and amazement. I was fascinated by the mysteries of the universe and longed to capture their beauty through photography.

I started small, taking photos of the moon and stars with a basic DSLR camera and tripod. As I learned more about photography and astronomy, I invested in better equipment and began exploring more challenging subjects, such as deep-sky objects like nebulae and galaxies.

Over the years, I've spent countless nights under the stars, experimenting with different techniques and refining my skills. I've learned how to capture stunning images of the night sky, from the vibrant colours of our Milky Way to the delicate wisps of interstellar gas.

As my work improved, I began sharing my images online and quickly gained a following of fellow astrophotography enthusiasts. Eventually, I started printing my work, and it has been an incredibly rewarding experience.

Today, I continue to push the boundaries of my astrophotography and am always seeking new ways to capture the beauty of the universe through my lens. Whether it's a remote mountain top or a dark sky site or my back garden, I'm always ready to chase the perfect shot and bring the wonders of the night sky to life.